Our Services

WK Community TEETH Clinic Fee Guide

Effective February 1st, 2024

With the new Canadian Federal Government Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP), 
families who qualify children 18 and under, seniors (65 and above), and people on disability —
for the approval process, need to apply at a
Federal Government Services Canada Centre in their communityor on line at

Once approved, existing TEETH Clinic patients will provide their CDCP Insurance Card to Clinic for coverage beginning May 2024. 
New patients who are registered with CDCP will need to complete our application and verification  process. The reason for this is that CDCP patients incomes vary between $70,000 and $90,000 and we are only going to accept patients in our clinic who have incomes up to $70,000. Other patients, including families over that amount will have to find a regular fee dental clinic.

 The TEETH Clinic, for patients not covered by CDCP, provides dental care at approximately 70% of the cost of the Provincial Fee Guide. B.C. Government Funded Benefit Programs are funded at Ministry Rates and patients with other insurance programs are funded at those insurance policies rates.

You will plan your treatment with your dentist.
The Clinic provides a range of costs for services depending on individual dental needs.

The following are estimated costs and can change at any time without notice:

New Patient Exam

20–minute exam including up to 4 X-rays. Pan X-Rays, if required are extra.


Hygiene Only


Recall Hygiene with annual exam



$118.00 -$412.00

Pan X-Ray


Extraction Requires exam and X-Rays

$105.00 – $318.00

Changes in the fees can be made at any time, without notice.

Denture appointments, with visiting denturist Record Ridge will be available twice per month starting in March 2024.
Appointments can be made anytime by contacting them at either 1250-364-1031 or 1250-368-6188.

As funds are available additional support may be available for denture patients.